Code of Conduct
ISOP Solutions Inc. (ISOP) Code of Conduct 
I will observe ISOP’s Code of Conduct and confirm the following:
I will act professionally, accurately, and in an unbiased manner. 
I will strive to increase the competence and prestige of my profession. 
I will assist those under my supervision to develop their professional competencies.  
I will not represent conflicting or competing interests and will disclose any relationships to any client or employer that may influence my judgment. 
I will not discuss or disclose any information relating to any assignment unless required by law or authorized in writing by the client and/or my employing organization. 
I will comply with and work within the guidelines/rules/procedures provided by my industry body. 
I will comply with industry-specific standards.  
I will not act in any way that would prejudice the reputation of ISOP and will cooperate fully with an inquiry in the event of any alleged breach of this code. 
I will submit myself to this Code of Conduct and ISOP complaints, appeals, and disciplinary procedures. 
I understand that any breach of this Code of Conduct may lead to warnings, suspension, or withdrawal of certification, in accordance with ISOP’s disciplinary procedures.